Hello Spitfire
Here is my First Spitfire update
of the New Year. Similar to my earlier e-mail format, I am now experimenting with being a blogger. The learning curve is steep and formidable, but I am ably assisted my my friend Michael Scott with entering the blogosphere.
The adventure in 1/32 scale
continues with the airframe exterior: The Spitfire’s Merlin engine is in place,
but I decided I wanted to shoot a coat of primer on the model when I realized I
needed to mask off the engine. Next, the canopy windscreen and rear sections
were attached, and with the main cockpit opening stuffed, I painted the frames
with RAF interior grey-green.
The 20mm Hispano Cannon Barrels seen here,
are the turned brass items from Master Crafters and they are gems. They have
been super-glued in place here, along with the brass “plugs” that cover the “C”
Wing second cannon position. All this brass work will be covered in a coat of
primer before the main exterior painting starts (soon, I hope). It almost seems
a shame though, as you have to see the brass items up close top appreciate what a
great job Master Crafters did on these. Just
The prop hub components are shown
next, all suitably painted with a little “Detailer” water based black ink
applied, to make the aluminum paint look more like real metal items.